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Price Match Guarantee

In the event that you happen to find a lower price than ours, The Factory will match any advertised internet price. In addition to matching the price on that specific item, The Factory will give you 10% OFF the regular price of any additional item in our showroom. Discount excludes "Price Drop" specials and cannot be combined with any other offers or discounts.

If you find a lower price, anywhere else on the Internet, on a new identical item, just show us the lower price when you buy the item and we'll honor the lowest price if these conditions are met:

  • Our price-match guarantee is good on everything sold on our web site. The item must be in-stock and available for purchase at that price from a company located in the U.S. who is authorized by the manufacturer to sell the product.
  • The item must be identical. For example, it must have the same U.S. manufacturer's warranty. It must also have the same model number and contain the same components.
  • All applicable shipping and handling charges are included with your price match. Proof of the other company's shipping and handling charges MUST be supplied on the competitor's site. We will not call and confirm shipping and handling charges.
  • Proof of the total purchase price MUST be presented to us. Proof can be in the form of a screen shot of the final screen. The screen shot must clearly identify the total purchase price including shipping and handling charges. Submission must clearly show final purchase price, date, and URL link.

We reserve the right to verify another company's product availability and price before issuing a price match guarantee. We reserve the right to limit price matching to only those retailers authorized by the manufacturer to sell the product and who are in compliance with the manufacturers documented terms and conditions.

Available coupons and rebates will be deducted from our price to come up with our net price when calculating the price match.

This policy is subject to change without notice.

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